

For 亚洲博彩平台排名 主人’ 协会s, a property management company brings immense value. A reputable management company offers services that reduce the burden of an HOA. 

想知道为什么你应该雇佣一家管理公司? 这篇文章告诉你为什么, it shows the risks of self-managed HOAs and the benefits of using a property manager.


HOA确实需要一家管理公司. hoa对每个社区都是有益的. 但成为HOA董事会成员并非易事. 有无数的事情要做. 

这些任务可能看起来很小,但它们可能是压倒性的. 即使是最小的HOA也会慢慢地占用你很多时间. You can save yourself stress by hiring a trusted property manager.


The average hours needed to oversee an HOA can be up to 20 hours a week. 如果你是协会的董事会成员, 你将证明这是一个有很多空闲时间的事实. 尤其是当你有一份全职工作要管理的时候. 

An HOA management company can help you save the time necessary to attend to your duties. Other than saving you time, a management company has relevant experience. These professionals have most likely handled similar issues that your association may have. 

Your HOA needs a management company to help you with legal compliance. 他们知道法律的内部运作. 他们明白必须遵守的规章制度. 所以你的HOA不可能违法. 此外, an HOA management company has contact with vendors and insurance service providers — all of which you need.

Another reason you need an HOA management company is because they cancel out favoritism. 公司永远不会把个人利益置于集体利益之上. 不用担心居民之间会受到优待. 


拥有自我管理hoa的社区可能会遇到一些风险. Some of these risks are easy to manage, and others are more adverse. 自行管理居屋的一些风险包括: 

1. 效率低下 

管理HOA有很多要求. 一般来说,志愿者可能有良好的意图. But this does not cancel the fact that they may not have the required experience. Duties like managing finances and resolving complaints can take a lot of time. And failure to manage these responsibilities will lead to lapses.  

2. 缺乏透明度

问责制是自我管理HOA的风险. To prevent this risk, your HOA needs a management company to help them make unbiased decisions. 志愿者有可能成为自我服务的人. 这将给协会带来问题. 公司会保护你的居屋不受任何偏见.

3. 诉讼

Self-managed HOAs do not have the legal knowledge of management companies. 他们有可能偶然打破规则. 同时监督HOA, it is important to stay within the dictates of the law to avoid any legal actions. 

4. 缺少调停人

If a clash of interests arises within the board, it will be hard to reach an unbiased agreement. 这不是管理公司的情况. They know all decisions must be in favor of the entire association. By using a reputable company, your HOA is sure to enjoy better decision-making processes. 


You enjoy certain benefits when you engage in the services of a management company. 这些好处包括:


An HOA management company ensures your community gets better financial services. From lower settlements to increased home value to accurate financial reports. Companies that use the CINC’s management software allow financial transparency for board members. There is no shadiness when it comes to the association’s finances.


Even with enthusiastic volunteers, one can’t deny the experience a management company brings. Property managers have experience with legal matters, budgeting, and financial analysis. You can also count on them for maintenance, conflict resolution, 等.  


Board members of an HOA may not remain the same every other year. But a property management company will be consistent with your association. 这种一致性有助于管理、预算和报告. With a company, there are no set回来s in record keeping or administration.


你可以通过管理公司来保护你的投资. A management company ensures a neighborhood doesn’t fall into a deplorable state. 维护 also saves an HOA from losing money to repairs and value depreciation. 此外, management companies make budgets with reserves for upgrades. 

让everest管理您的柯林斯堡 HOA

Hiring a management company is an option every HOA should consider. A company takes on the full responsibility for the day-to-day running of your community. 从管理到监督再到财务. Property managers also look for ways to preserve your investment.

Your HOA needs a property management company, and one company you can trust is Evernest. 我们提供优质的服务,收费合理. 立即亚洲博彩平台排名! With our experience and skills, you rest assured your association is in good hands.

Source: This content was originally written and published for Evernest at Evernest.co
